Jalan Sawe Batu Riti, Kuta Lombok

+62 878-6401-3961


Trails on Mt. Rinjani in Lombok re-ropened

The six main hiking trails on the Mount Rinjani Volcano in Lombok in West Nusa Tenggara reopened starting on Wednesday, 27 July 2022.

Park Authorities closed the Mount Rinjani National Park to hikers on 29 November 2022 out of fear for visitor safety due to heavy rains and flooding.

Tempo.co reports the Head of the Mount Rinjani National Park Agency (TNGR), Desy Asriady, saying on Thursday, 21 July 2022: “The Mount Rinjani National Park Agency will open for tourism visits for climbing and non-climbing visitors starting 27 July 2022.”

Over the past months, Park authorities have been gradually opening hiking trails to levels of 50% and 75% of estimated capacity. Of the six hiking trails, the following daily visitor quotas have been limited to:

  • Sembalun Trail – 150 climbers per day
  • Senaru Trail – 150 climbers per day
  • Torean Trail – 100 climbers per day
  • Aik Berik Trail – 100 climbers per day
  • Timbanuh Trail – 100 climbers per day
  • Tete Batu Trail – 100 climbers per day

Most trekkers embark on climbs of 2 -3-day duration.

Mount Rinjani, with its majestic volcanic Segara Anak Lake on Mount Baru Jari, is an active volcano that stands at an elevation of 3,736 meters above sea level.

Trekkers can book an available slot to climb the volcano via the eRinjani Mobile Application.

Park officials say plans are underway to open a new hiking trail via the Village of Pakuan.

Welcome to Lombok

As beguiling, beach-blessed and downright blissful as its near neighbor Bali, Lombok is now much more than just a surfers’ paradise.


It was American surfers who first awoke to Lombok’s great appeal, providing the germ of today’s tourist industry. And it’s the island’s southern coast they were drawn to. From Desert Point in the west to Ekas in the east, this variegated succession of bays, reefs and rocky inlets provides the greatest number and quality of breaks in Lombok. Unlike Bali, when surfing peaks in the dry season (April to October), Lombok’s breaks are usually at their best during the wet (roughly November to March). Kuta, halfway along the coast, is the natural base for wave-chasing.


Gunung Rinjani, Indonesia’s second-highest volcano, dominates Lombok’s topography, and is a magnet for trekkers. Winding up its jungle-clad slopes (which takes a few days) reveals an ever-changing succession of fecund tropical vistas. Once on the summit, the sight of jaw-dropping sunrises and volcanic calderas, and a sense of conquering the entire island, are rewards for the weary. Green trekking initiatives such as pathside trash removal make it possible to give something back to this genuinely awesome, active volcano, sacred to both Sasaks and Hindus. It’s also possible to while away a few pleasant hours hiking in little-visited Taman Wisata Alam Kerandangan.


Aside from the backpacker-friendly hubs of Kuta and Senggigi, Lombok’s party scene isn’t technically on the island at all, but in its tiny offshore satellites, the Gilis. And one Gili in particular, Gili Trawangan, is internationally renowned for beach parties, raucous hostel bars and blissful beachside cocktail joints. While there’s much more to Gili T than laidback drinks and excitable twentysomethings, it’s clear what many come here seeking. The young things that throng its streets, hung-over but discussing what’s going down later that night, is all the confirmation needed.


A less considered way to explore Lombok’s briny bounty is to take a guided fishing trip. Whether you talk your way onto a traditional outrigger boat, or go with the bigger boats or more solid safety record of a modern sport-fishing outfit, you can expect bottom and deep-sea fishing for tuna, trevally, barracuda, mackerel and plenty of other species. With reefs, sea walls and deep channels surrounding the island, there are plenty of diverse spots to sink a line, depending on what you’re chasing. Bangko Bangko (Desert Point), the Lombok Strait to Bali and off the southern coast from Kuta are good spots.