Jalan Sawe Batu Riti II, Kuta Lombok


How to register your phone as a foreigner in Indonesia

As a foreigner who plans to visit Indonesia for a short stay less than 90 days, there is no need to register your imported devices’ (cell phone, handheld computer, and/or tablet) IMEI numbers.

However, those who stay for more than 90 days may register their IMEI on arrival.

Swipe the infographics above for more information regarding IMEI registration, or simply access bit.ly/FAQ-IMEI.

For technical assistance, please contact @bravobeacukai or 1500225.

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  1. Karen Thomas says:

    Hi there, my name Karen. I only stay 27 days in Bali but can use Indonesian sim card. I try 3 times but not work. Why thIs happen.

    1. Bart G says:

      Hi Karen,

      They still need to register your IMEI number. Any local shop can register it as a tourist phone.

      Enjoy your holiday !

  2. Anonymous says:

    Ok this is stupid, I bought an iPhone 13 n stayed less than 90days. I’m here for vocation. I bought the local SIM card which I was blocked for the carrier service. I’m a foreigner. Registering IMEI is free but u will be taxed on your phone and other items you brought in. Just because registering will allow me to use the local SIM card. I’ve been to other countries but do not face such rule. The authorities will have relook into this.

  3. Bart G says:

    If less then 90 days, you will not have to pay tax for it. Just go to any local shop that sells sim cards and they will be able to assist you.

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