Jalan Sawe Batu Riti, Kuta Lombok

+62 878-6401-3961


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We are open.

We are very excited to announce that we opened for the public. Prior to the opening, we already had a few customers passing by and testing out our Coworking Space in South Lombok.

We almost nailed it. Our customers had a few remarks and ideas. Since we are building this space for YOU, we listened to them and we made some changes.

Also our pricings are online and we can be booked online for easy administration.

Go check our packages on the pricing pages

How does our coworking space in Lombok work ?

Coworking is intriguing. Coworking is synonymous with collaboration and sharing. So how does our coworking space in Lombok work? What makes it so that you are successful today? Whether you’ve recently decided to start working at a coworking space or are already used to working in coworking space over the world, this article is for you.

Cowork Lombok in a few words

The simplest definition is “a space that supports a group of people from different companies, working independently or collaboratively”. Coworking spaces are open to everyone.

For us, our coworking goes beyond the space itself. It is a philosophy rooted in bringing professionals together to work together, regardless of their industry. Our coworking space provides a setting that encourages focus as well as networking opportunities.

Coworking is more than just a good atmosphere and accessible office space.

Our membership model

Like a gym, we at Cowork Lombok sell memberships by week or month. This has two main advantages. Firstly, it provides you with a fixed cost and also you receive discounts at our restaurant.

Our coworking space memberships are also sold at a very attractive. Membership packages also include certain options, such as the ability to upgrade to faster Internet access or seating on demand.

The walk-in model

Not everyone wants or needs a coworking membership. For those who only uses the space a few times a month, we also have a daily option.

We do understand that some people only need proper internet for a few hours. Since our coworking space has limited capacity, we chose not to provide and hourly option. However, in our restaurant, we can also provide you with the same speed as in our coworking space. Inquire by our staff for a voucher. Just sending a few mails? Feel free to use our restaurants WiFi, we do ask digital nomads a minimum consumption of 20k per hour per use.

Organized seating and space management

No matter which formula a member chooses, he or she will always have to register at our reception desk. You will be provide with all the information and you will also be registered as a member when this applies to the formula you choose. We also ask our members to give an estimation of how long they will be in the space for the day.

Our monthly members can have dedicated desk for a couple of hours a day, but they need to apply for this upfront.

Interested? Meet and greet!

Are you interested in a membership at Cowork Lombok? Contact us and we will provide you with the full details ! Just shoot us an email at our best email address [email protected] or visit our contact page.

5 tips to grow your personal network while visiting a coworking space

Coworking spaces are a great way to work and collaborate with other like-minded people from the coworking community. As an entrepreneur, freelancer or remote worker, coworking offers the opportunity to meet new people and build strong connections that you can use now and in the future. But how do you get the most from your space? This post takes you through 5 actionable tips to help you today.

First of all, what is coworking? Coworking is when an individual or company share an office space with multiple other businesses. Coworking has become increasingly popular over the last decade due to its cost efficiency, convenience and networking opportunities. There are varying levels of membership; some members pop in a few times a month for a change of scene, others rent a full time desk and some businesses rent private offices within the coworking space. 

There are often misconceptions over who coworking is for. The coworking industry really took off alongside the boom in start-ups especially in major cities all over the globe. However, it is no longer just start-up companies who enjoy the benefits of coworking; huge global players also use coworking spaces to base their satellite offices. In a post-pandemic society, many businesses lean towards flexible hours and coworking spaces have been able to keep up with the evolving needs of small and large businesses. 

In addition to private offices, individual members are at the heart of coworking culture. When you have a combination of professionals from a plethora of sectors, the buzz of opportunities can be quite extraordinary. The key to making the most of your coworking space begins and ends with collaboration.

1. Introduce yourself, ok!

That ‘first day of school’ feeling can be pretty daunting but the best way to handle it is to throw yourself into the experience. Being the new kid on the block is actually great for conversation starters so don’t be afraid to ask questions and reach out to your fellow members. Even though your sectors may be miles apart, coworking spaces tend to attract like-minded individuals and you may be surprised what you can learn from different industries. 

If you’re generally not a fan of small talk and usually avoid talking to strangers, set yourself a target of introducing yourself to just three members in your first week. Talk about the weather, last night’s football game… anything works! Take a deep breath and leave your comfort zone behind – it’s only holding you back! 

2. Budge up! 

Due to the flexible, fluid nature of coworking spaces, the layouts are usually pretty varied. This can be great as it means your environment is more stimulating and you can enjoy a change of scenery by basing yourself somewhere different everyday. You may have different environmental needs for different tasks, and coworking spaces allow you to be more fluid with your seating arrangements. Being able to take yourself to soft furnishings for discussions, or quiet booths for crunching numbers is a real luxury that standard offices (or home offices) simply cannot provide. 

However, remember when you join a coworking space you are entering into a new community and therefore it is vital to respect your fellow members. We’ve all rushed to put our towel down to save the best sunbeds on holiday, but coworking has different etiquette! Be conscientious and don’t hog the best seats in the house all day at your workspace. Coworking ethos is grounded in sharing and collaborating so do your bit and move around! Being considerate also extends to your noise levels when on the phone in communal areas and also your eating habits… we always recommend avoiding the smelly and the messy! 

3. Show up.

Most coworking spaces make an effort to organise weekly or monthly socials for their members. This may be after work drinks in the lobby, breakfast clubs, workshops or organised networking events. These are a real gift so make the most of them! Many professionals who work at home have to actively seek out networking opportunities, so to have your coworking space do the hosting, all you need to do is show up!

We get it, sometimes after a day at work you’re just not in the mood to socialise and talk about more work. Push yourself to stay for one drink, one conversation, one coffee… and more often than not you’ll get in your groove and end up having a fantastic time. 

Connections that you make are crucial to individual and company growth. Your multi-million collaboration idea could be waiting for you at your next coworking social… you’ll never know if you don’t go! 

4. We are family!

Everyone is trying to make it and there is plenty of room at the top! It’s not always about what YOU can gain from making connections with other members. Instead, consider what you can do to support them. Be generous when it comes to sharing your expertise and your experience. If you are willing to genuinely help your fellow members, you will form authentic relationships which are far more valuable in the long run. 

When chatting with other members, consider how you can help or support their business. Ask plenty of questions, listen attentively and offer value where you can. Discussion should be mutually beneficial – it’s a two way street! 

5.  Use the space! 

Being able to take a break away from your desk is one of the best things about joining a coworking space. If evening drinks or organised coffee mornings aren’t your cup of tea, there are still plenty of opportunities to build your network in an informal setting during you working day. Strike up a conversation in the kitchens or at the coffee bar and start building your network. 

Not only will it help refresh your productivity and positivity, but it is also a great way to interact casually with other members who are also ‘taking five’. When planning your day, think about how you can incorporate time away from your desk to integrate with your community. 

In Summary, 

It is down to you how much you want to take advantage of being a part of a coworking community. As long as you are a member, the opportunities for branching out will always be there and the potential outcomes are endless. It’s time to start seeing your office space as more than simply a place to get your work done. A whole host of opportunities are right around the corner, if you’re willing to step away from your desk! 

Build update

Yesterday the builders finished the walls and also put in the ceiling of the coworking space. We had some guests from the restaurant checking it out and they all said that the space is going to look amazing.

So, to all digital nomads who plan on visiting south lombok and are looking for a coworking space, just drop by and have a look.

We also heavily tested our network last week. Some digital nomads are still gamers and with the release of COD beta, it was the ultimate way to test the network.

6 people started downloading the early beta release ( 18 GB ) and all finished the download within 25 minutes.

Our network is ready, the coworking space is quickly getting ready. Soon there will be super reliable WiFi in South Lombok!


The building and preparations are done, Cowork Lombok in South Lombok is now officially open !

Lombok on Bucket List for Digital Nomads

Compared to its sister island Bali, Lombok is also an affordable location for nomads to settle in. it isn’t as crowded as Bali and the natural wonders there are mostly untouched and in pristine condition. The internet speed is also good and attractions around the island are mostly free of charge or would not cost more than $1 to enter specific beaches, there is a huge community of expat and digital nomads alike in Kuta and Senggigi as well as cute co-working spaces you can explore. 

Lombok is also home to the new MotoGP course, so you can look forward to watching the next race in a beach!

Estimated budget per month: US$800

Full article on : 12 Bucket List Countries for Digital Nomads – JoinMyTrip Blog

Coworking Space is being build in Kuta Lombok

A few weeks ago, we started building our coworking space in Kuta Lombok. Now after a few weeks, everything is taking shape.

The space will open in about two weeks time. Send us an email if you would like to be updated on the progress!

MXGP forms new TV partnership with Saudi Sports Company

Today, Infront Moto Racing announced a deal that will see the FIM Motocross World Championship in Indonesia for the next five years.

The new agreement with the event-execution company SEG guarantees two MXGP events in Indonesia every season for five years.

SEG isn’t new to GP promotion; after its involvement in organising this year’s MXGP of Indonesia in Samota-Sumbawa – considered a surprise success.

As well as welcoming passionate motocross fans, the community and local government appeared fully behind the GP. At the same time, the paddock and many in the media hailed the track as a particular highlight.

The targeted destinations for the future Indonesian rounds include the Island of Lombok and the Island of Sumbawa, two locations very passionate about motorsports.

Infront Moto Racing CEO David Luongo: “IMR is delighted about this announcement. The last MXGP of Indonesia in Sumbawa has been a fantastic success.

“The MXGP family has been welcomed in a very unique way with a memorable parade crossing the city and dozens of thousands of Indonesian fans coming to enjoy the racing weekend.

“The track, surrounded by the sea of Sumbawa, was very spectacular, and we are all very excited to come back for the next five years for two Grands Prix with the addition of Lombok, next to the MotoGP facilities.

“I would like to thank SEG and its CEO Muhammad Ihsan Zulkieflimansyah for their strong commitments, the Indonesian authorities, the region of West Nusa Tenggara and IMI for all their support to bring the MXGP to Indonesia and to contribute to its constant growth.”

CEO of Samota Enduro Gemilang (SEG), Muhammad Ihsan Zulkieflimansyah: “We all are very thrilled to have the opportunity to hold the MXGP 2022 in Indonesia, especially in Sumbawa. To bring the MXGP event to Indonesia has been one of our proudest moments. The public enthusiasm is really impressive, as the audience is not only from local but also from foreign countries and International MXGP enthusiasts. We are really excited for the next MXGP events, as we have been given the trust by Infront to hold the upcoming two series of MXGP that will be held in Sumbawa and Lombok. As MXGP in Samota-Sumbawa recently received MXGP Best Media Opportunity, it’s such a big honour for us to receive this award.

“We really appreciate the chance and trust that is given to us by the MXGP family. With the success of the event, we are thanking all the partners such as the government, local sectors, and community who support the event. SEG and team will provide the best effort on executing and organising the upcoming events of MXGP Sumbawa and Lombok in 2023.”

Original article on

MXGP Indonesia: multi-year deal – ‘it’s been a fantastic success’ (tmxnews.co.uk)

Trails on Mt. Rinjani in Lombok re-ropened

The six main hiking trails on the Mount Rinjani Volcano in Lombok in West Nusa Tenggara reopened starting on Wednesday, 27 July 2022.

Park Authorities closed the Mount Rinjani National Park to hikers on 29 November 2022 out of fear for visitor safety due to heavy rains and flooding.

Tempo.co reports the Head of the Mount Rinjani National Park Agency (TNGR), Desy Asriady, saying on Thursday, 21 July 2022: “The Mount Rinjani National Park Agency will open for tourism visits for climbing and non-climbing visitors starting 27 July 2022.”

Over the past months, Park authorities have been gradually opening hiking trails to levels of 50% and 75% of estimated capacity. Of the six hiking trails, the following daily visitor quotas have been limited to:

  • Sembalun Trail – 150 climbers per day
  • Senaru Trail – 150 climbers per day
  • Torean Trail – 100 climbers per day
  • Aik Berik Trail – 100 climbers per day
  • Timbanuh Trail – 100 climbers per day
  • Tete Batu Trail – 100 climbers per day

Most trekkers embark on climbs of 2 -3-day duration.

Mount Rinjani, with its majestic volcanic Segara Anak Lake on Mount Baru Jari, is an active volcano that stands at an elevation of 3,736 meters above sea level.

Trekkers can book an available slot to climb the volcano via the eRinjani Mobile Application.

Park officials say plans are underway to open a new hiking trail via the Village of Pakuan.

Our restaurant is open in Kuta Lombok

Two weeks ago, we opened our restaurant again after 2 year of closure.
The first week, we were only serving ice cold drinks, juices, beers, our signature teas and coffee.

Since last week, we are also serving a few of our dishes. As pre pandemic, we try to serve food that you cannot find in any other restaurant in Kuta Lombok. Well, most of our dishes you can’t find in Lombok or even entire Indonesia!

Visit us in Kuta Lombok for:

Soup !

At the moment we made our delicious Pumpkin Soup again. The soup is served with bread.


The sandiches are soft ciabatta bread. In the future, we will have a selection of bread, but for now we chose soft ciabatta bread as this is perfect to create a delicious sandwich.

You can choose the topping:

  1. Tuna Salad
  2. Pulled Chicken
  3. Hummus

The sandwiches in our food café are server with a side salad.


Stoofvlees / Stoverij / Beefstew. Yes people, this famous Belgian dish is back in Lombok!
Slowly cooked beef stew in premium dark beer. This is a must try !

Chicken stew with a twist. This Belgian / French dish is deliciously refreshing for being a stew. Originally made for the queen of France…

In Belgium we also call this “koninginnenhapje” which literally means “Snack for the queen”


Bolognaise… This dish doesn’t require any introduction. But allow us to mention that we take our time making this dish. We let it simmer for 3 – 4 hours, this way all flavors are perfectly combined. We also add red wine for even more flavor!

Green creamy pesto. Are you tired of those to much oil green looking pesto on your pasta? We have got you covered.

We make our pesto with avocados, basil and rucola.
Of course there are other ingredients, but no cheese, making this perfect for vegans.

This week we will add a few dishes to our menu, so feel free to pop in and try them all!

Visit our restaurants website for the full menu and all information.

Traveling to Lombok just got cheaper.

KUALA LUMPUR, 20 July 2022: Travel to Bali and Lombok just got cheaper following the latest deals from the AirAsia Super App, open for bookings until 24 July. Travel deals are 70% off on AirAsia and participating airlines, hotels, and duty-free items.

AirAsia Super App users can book AirAsia flights from Kuala Lumpur to destinations across Indonesia, including Bali, Lombok, Pekanbaru, Surabaya, and other cities and holiday destinations from as low as MYR129* all-in-one way from now until 24 July. Travel is valid from 1 October 2022 to 25 March 2023.

The deals extend to 50% off for travellers booking hotels via the SNAP combination (flight + hotel) to Bali and Lombok. Those who prefer to book their accommodation separately can locate the best hotel deals in Bali and Lombok and get MYR50 off with a minimum spend of MYR150.

AirAsia Travelmall also offers up to 70% off storewide on all duty-free items. Users can pre-book their duty-free items at least 48 hours before their scheduled departure flight and have them delivered to their seats during the flight.

*Fares are all-inclusive of taxes and fees. Terms and conditions apply.