Jalan Sawe Batu Riti, Kuta Lombok

+62 878-6401-3961

Cowork Lombok

How does our coworking space in Lombok work ?

Coworking is intriguing. Coworking is synonymous with collaboration and sharing. So how does our coworking space in Lombok work? What makes it so that you are successful today? Whether you’ve recently decided to start working at a coworking space or are already used to working in coworking space over the world, this article is for you.

Cowork Lombok in a few words

The simplest definition is “a space that supports a group of people from different companies, working independently or collaboratively”. Coworking spaces are open to everyone.

For us, our coworking goes beyond the space itself. It is a philosophy rooted in bringing professionals together to work together, regardless of their industry. Our coworking space provides a setting that encourages focus as well as networking opportunities.

Coworking is more than just a good atmosphere and accessible office space.

Our membership model

Like a gym, we at Cowork Lombok sell memberships by week or month. This has two main advantages. Firstly, it provides you with a fixed cost and also you receive discounts at our restaurant.

Our coworking space memberships are also sold at a very attractive. Membership packages also include certain options, such as the ability to upgrade to faster Internet access or seating on demand.

The walk-in model

Not everyone wants or needs a coworking membership. For those who only uses the space a few times a month, we also have a daily option.

We do understand that some people only need proper internet for a few hours. Since our coworking space has limited capacity, we chose not to provide and hourly option. However, in our restaurant, we can also provide you with the same speed as in our coworking space. Inquire by our staff for a voucher. Just sending a few mails? Feel free to use our restaurants WiFi, we do ask digital nomads a minimum consumption of 20k per hour per use.

Organized seating and space management

No matter which formula a member chooses, he or she will always have to register at our reception desk. You will be provide with all the information and you will also be registered as a member when this applies to the formula you choose. We also ask our members to give an estimation of how long they will be in the space for the day.

Our monthly members can have dedicated desk for a couple of hours a day, but they need to apply for this upfront.

Interested? Meet and greet!

Are you interested in a membership at Cowork Lombok? Contact us and we will provide you with the full details ! Just shoot us an email at our best email address [email protected] or visit our contact page.

Build update

Yesterday the builders finished the walls and also put in the ceiling of the coworking space. We had some guests from the restaurant checking it out and they all said that the space is going to look amazing.

So, to all digital nomads who plan on visiting south lombok and are looking for a coworking space, just drop by and have a look.

We also heavily tested our network last week. Some digital nomads are still gamers and with the release of COD beta, it was the ultimate way to test the network.

6 people started downloading the early beta release ( 18 GB ) and all finished the download within 25 minutes.

Our network is ready, the coworking space is quickly getting ready. Soon there will be super reliable WiFi in South Lombok!


The building and preparations are done, Cowork Lombok in South Lombok is now officially open !

Coworking Space is being build in Kuta Lombok

A few weeks ago, we started building our coworking space in Kuta Lombok. Now after a few weeks, everything is taking shape.

The space will open in about two weeks time. Send us an email if you would like to be updated on the progress!